Seing that made me think (uh oh she's gonna explode). What is it that makes people so vulnerable to misuse alcohol. Why don't Spanish people have problems in the same extent that we do? I mean working at a trauma ward in down town Helsinki for 2 years made me see that 1/3, let me write that again: one BLOODY third, of all the cases were alcohol related! That's a whole lot. I mean there are pubs that start their happy hour on Mondays at ten. 10 AM!
Why do Fins have a tendency to misuse alcohol? Is it the depressing weather? The darkness? Well it's just as depressing in Sweden and Norway...but we are the ones who get depressed and hit the bottle added to that. At least at some point Finland was the number one country in the world in the usage of antidepressants per habitant. Why? And more importantly....What the hell should one/can one do about it?

What we in Helsinki call a "deeku" = an acoholic. Cheers!
One paradox added to that is that Finland is always among the top 5-15 countries with the highest living standard, quality of life and technology readiness...
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice to read your coincidental observations of life!
Jenni (Heikkinen)