
An American, A German and a Swede...

...were at a bar when a guy walks in through the door. All of them blurt out: "JESUS!" And the guy comes up to them and says:

-"Yes, I am"

The American, after a minute of awe, then asks Jesus:

-"If you really are Jesus, can you help me with this backache I've had for years?"

Well yes ofcourse, Jesus answers and *Poof*, the backache was gone. The German continues:

-"Oh Mr Jesus, I've been struggling with this Migrane for years..." And *Poof* it was gone. After that Jesus comes up to the Swede and asks:

-"What about you, my friend. How can I help you?"

Whereto the Swede responds:

-"Oh God no, I'm on sickleave I don't want any help".

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