
Fat ass mommies with fat ass carriages!

What is the deal with women with carriages? They seem to think they OWN the pavements? Especially when the sun comes out, the city is invaded by these Café Latte drinking, racecar-carriage pushing monsters. Is it just me, or do they seem to follow the rule "biggest goes first" (Störst går först"). Just because they have this thing they are pushing doesn't mean they can't be polite, right?

Why am I so wry, you ask? Well I have a trauma. The monsters hit me. All the time. With purpose. Are they after me? Because I have no babies? I think they are after me.

Or is the carriage too heavy for them to move? Are the women too heavy to move themselves? (I know, I'm just trying to provoke) Are they just too tired from all the staying up all night with crying babies? Or are they just so ignorant? Or does motherhood come with some sort of feeling that "now that I've populated this planet, it's partially mine."

1 comment:

  1. For this, I have a theory. Most people are generally pretty ignorant when roaming around the city. This just becomes more obvious when they are handicapped with a baby cart or wheeled shopping bag.Same people will do similar stuff when driving a car (well, not crushing your feet necessarily, but almost hitting you when turning right at an intersection, parking so that they take place of 2 cars, not knowing where to go when light turns green etc.).
