
Happy socks going to the dentist...

Serious business!

...I am no big fan of going to the dentist. Might correlate with the fact that I was a total cookiemonster when I was a youngster (who am I trying to kid writing in past tence. I STILL AM!) and therefore I had like 13 cavities at one point (and if that's not a traumatic experience, what is). But now it was time again...to sit down in that chair of horror.

This time I was prepared, though. My weapon against the Monster in a White coat: HAPPY

I don't know what happened, maybe I really tamed the Monster, because the experience wasn't half as bad as I remembered. Sure, I was sweating like a pig (there I go again, smearing the good rep of pigs. Sorry pigs. I know you don't even sweat) and my eyes might have teared up once or twice, but I did good.

The feeling of half your face being numb...

Happy socks. Happy Mioli.