
Mioli's nightly escapades

My hubby wonders why my family every now and then (he would definitely say ALL THE TIME) reflects over dreams we dreamt the night before. The sentences that start with: "I had the creaziest dream last night"... just don't exist in the pretty head of his. He simply doesn't do it, dream, I mean. Or atleast doesn't remember them afterwards. But I do. So here we go:

I had the craziest dream last night! I dreamt that I was a drug smuggler and had a bunch of policemen chasing me first around a train platform and then in the house. When I woke up my first thought was: Holy Balony, I have to hide my stash!

I don't usually ponder on what the dreams mean, but sometimes they make me wonder how come I had those thoughts during the night. Some people mean dreams are a way for the brain to prepare you for things to come (important load of drugs coming in apparently...) So in this case...I really hope not.

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