
What is it with crying anyway?

Have you ever experienced a sheer anger that is sooooo strong all you want to do is scream or pop a whitty comment, but all you seem to be able to do is shed tears? I don't know if it is a woman thing. And I don't like to categorize things or behaviour according to the genitalia you're carrying. But tell me, why does it happen? Is it because I get sad more often than I get angry (luckily I don't do either that often, I'm a happy hamster) and my brain just puts on the wrong switch? I mean like if you have intestine/internal organ pain it usually bodyfies itself somewhere else, like the shoulder or arm when you're having a heartattack (referred pain) because your brain is so unused to get pain intel from the actual place, it just gives you the wrong address. Same city, wrong address, kind of.

It is annoying anyway. Especially if you are working on building up your street cred. Usually that doesn't go handy with the crying bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of crying. It's liberating. But when you are furious, you're kind of sending out the wrong signal. You want to say: Save the heart! But instead people start to mend your arm. You know.

1 comment:

  1. I am so there with you, girl!! It just completely ruins your street cred when you are boiling mad at someone nasty and all you can say is "why-y-buhu- are - you-hu - doing- thi-s to-ho me-ee?" Then you get more mad a t yourself for not being able to say anything that sounds remotley fierce and cool to put the person back in his/her place - and it get's even worse and you say "bu-huuu-uuuu - screw-you!!"
