
Who loves more?

My sister, Annika, asked me one day:

"Do you love Visa (my hubby for life) more or does he love you more?"

In Maria's troubled, blonde head:

"Hmm...Tough one. I'd like to say that he loves me more, I wonder why. Maybe that would mean that I'm more desirable or something. Nah, that's not it. Maybe I would be safer then somehow. It'd be reassuring, I guess. It could mean that no matter what I feel or whatever happens, I would always know that he loves me, at least a little bit, unless somebody gives him the darn one billion, that is. (phew, that's a lot of commas!) Damn. I have a pathological desire to be loved by everybody."

Maria: I think it varies. Sometimes I love him more and vice versa.

Annika: Good answer, you should be a politician (she didn't really say that, but I think she should have).

Maria: But how do you measure love? (Wow, I'm deep!)

Annika: Maybe in how much you need the other person.

Maria: I'm gonna write about this in my blog. So much for being deep.

What do you think? How do you measure love? Is it possible even? I mean how do I even know that my love is the same feeling as your love? My blue might be your black. (And Visa thinks I'm no philosopher, hah) I guess you don't have to measure love. It's not like it's a competition. What would it be good for?


  1. Jag tror på att allas kärlekar ser olika ut. Därför är det svårt att mäta den. tror inte att kärleks mäts i hur mycket man behöver någon - på sätt och vis tror jag att det t. o. m. kan vara tvärtom: jag älskar Tom oändligt mycket fast jag vet att jag rent praktiskt skulle klara mig galant utan honom (missförstå mig rätt). Just därför är det så stort att vi faktiskt väljer att leva ihop; trots att vi ibland blir tokiga på varandra.

    Det finns en fantastisk kvinnlig forskare, Helen Fisher, som forskar kring kärlek: http://www.helenfisher.com/.

    Kolla in hennes TED-talk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYfoGTIG7pY&feature=related.


  2. I say you can't measure it in any way...and you SHOULDN'T measure it...that's what my foolish romantic heart says :) but I do agree with you Maria...sometimes you love the other more and sometimes the other one loves you more...
